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16,387 likes 187 talking about this. Dream Singles is the premier International Online Dating site specializing in connecting beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women with men worldwide. Girls expect to face some chivalrous things. If you have been using the most successful Russian girl dating site, bridesbay com, then you know how romantic these girls are. Each of them was brought up on fairy tales, so they dream of meeting their prince charming who will treat them like a treasure and pamper with some cute gifts and surprises.


Dating in dreams is connected to how one communicates with other people. If the date in the dream is pleasing then this means that you wish to escape the real world for a while.

Perhaps you need to embrace new relationships. To go on a date with the same sex means that you may have extreme feelings for another. To see yourself at a dinner date can suggest acceptance or longing for a better relationship with a loved one.

Dating is also associated with getting to know more about oneself. It does not necessarily mean that if you dreamt of dating it will give you a lover in real life. Sometimes, the people in dreams are only symbols. Those are symbols in your life that you must consider or figure out.

There is occasion when this dream is somewhat worrying. This is when you may dream of a current partner (in real life) dating someone else. This dream means that things are likely to be difficult between in you and your partner in waking life.

Dream Girls Dating Site

In your dream you may have…

  • Dated an old friend.
  • Been speed dating.
  • Seen yourself and your partner dating.
  • Dating a teacher.
  • Been on a date.
  • Dating a boss.
  • Dating a class mate.
  • Dating someone famous.
  • Dating a serial killer.
  • Dating a famous person.
  • Been on a dinner date.
  • Seen your partner dating another person.
  • Seen yourself in tears on a date.
  • Seen yourself begging for someone to not leave you.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • Your dreams of enjoying a date with another person (rather than real life partner) indicates: a fresh start, a new beginning. A feeling of acceptance and contentment.
  • You went on a date with an ex-partner: it will make you realize that life has to move forward. You can probably meet persons that can help you fill your well-being.
  • You went on a dream date with a super star: it associates your characteristic of being courageous, emotional, and in high spirits.
  • You had a great time on the date: this dream also symbolizes your personality. It shows how loving, serious and fun you may be.

Detailed dream interpretation

Dreams are normally from life experiences. It reflects the things that you have done or wanting to do in life. Seeing your partner dating another person would mean you have to make a move to stop whatever relationship you may have. It indicates that there is a problem in the relationship or between two of you. To see tears in a dream represents goodbyes and sorrows. It implies weakness and a signal that change is needed.

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To dream of speed dating means that one needs to think about how they project themselves in waking life. To date an old friend means that the dreamer has a need for sexual affection, and acceptance. For those who are in relationship, this may mean the same but there may be some rejection. To date a serial killer can be a rather worrying dream. This dream indicates that someone maybe upset with you in waking life. Dreams which have destruction as a theme, such as dating a serial killer or where you or someone else is destroying things or people often refer to releasing emotions or behavior that are destroying us. It can also represent an aspect of yourself that destroys relationships or promotes atti­tudes and opinions that destroy others' dreams or potential.

In conclusion, dating in dreams can create positive and negative effect. It depends to the surroundings, time and the people around us. But the dreamer is still in-charge of what he/she wants to believe in and how he/she would react to the dream.


Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of dating

Happiness, affection, rejection, feelings of acceptance, anxiety.

In the Past TenseOctober 13, 2011

Sometimes I think I might be an idiot. I love, love, love playing these games with myself that inevitably involve pushing beyond comfort barriers–allow me to provide some context.

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A few weeks ago, I succumbed to the internet stalking heaven that is LinkedIn and in my mad frenzy to amp up my professional profile, I looked up that older gentleman economist I dated briefly last year. We’re talking a year and a half ago. I toyed with the idea of contacting him for so long it made me sick to my stomach. I tried to resist, I really did–I’m just so desperately curious and weirdly fascinated by his bachelor lifestyle that I had to do it. Really, I didn’t expect anything to come of up since he so abruptly ended things (over the age difference/chasm between romantic experiences, WHATEVER) but as I told Poppy throughout this mess, he dumped me over a year ago and I was still not over it. It still stung, and I saw an opportunity for a tasty challenge right within my grasp.

I love a challenge more than I love the games. Herein lies the conflict. He gave me his number again (wise, since I erased his number in a furious rage of disappointment and curse words last year) and although I felt like vomiting and basically did not eat for a week in anticipation, I made the call. We had drinks. I was absolutely stunningly, devastatingly hot-looking and icy-cold but charming, as you do when you are a women slighted. The game was afoot–the goal was to try my hand at getting him to want me again, not to mention get him to say he regretted breaking up with me BECAUSE I AM FABULOUS. Immediate high score achieved on both counts.

Now he won’t leave me alone. This is becoming a problem. I missed that feeling of being wanted, feeling beautiful and feminine and sexy when I was with him, even though I know I am definitely all of those things and more on my own. I rarely embark on anything even closely resembling RELATIONSHIPS with men, I do this once-yearly flirtation with my target paramour for a max of six weeks and it always ends with crushing boredom/lack of attraction to the guy. Since he is older, I feel like everything has a more serious tone than dating men my own age, who still want you to come over and dress up but really you’re going to sit in their filthy living room playing videogames until they make an unwanted move. I’ve tried OKCupid again, I’ve had probably a dozen first dates with men who were just terrible–perfectly fine on paper, but I run hot and cold. The pipes were frozen over for the winter from January to August, let me tell you. The Economist was really the last guy I felt legitimately attracted to, despite all of his weirdness and childish rejection of me. I’m curious to see where this leads, but I still kind of hate/like him and it feels a little disgusting and naughty. If I can’t find or meet men who make me feel safe, confident, and sexy, why not try again with someone who I’m already sort-of comfortable with, for experimentation’s sake?

My close confidante lady-friends, with the exception of Poppy (whom I love best of all) say, “use him, lose him” and walk away with the upper hand. Take that feeling of power and revel in it for a while, it doesn’t have to mean anything, right? There are always other men–there are those two mega hottie guys at work I should take that ballsiness and chat up. Am I that cruel and cold-hearted? More importantly, can I preserve my own feelings to try this on for size and not be damaged again by this fucking guy? It’s not worth my time or emotional effort to give this much of a shit. I can’t bring myself to answer the phone when he calls (WHICH IS ALMOST EVERY DAY, OMG CUT IT OUT) half of the time but there are times when I think, yeah, it would be really fun to share this part of my awesome life with him. I just don’t think I can step over that crevasse dividing how I thought I felt about this loser last year and the person I am now. I definitely do want to see other, new people, I just think I need to get over this and do something scary and slightly damaging before I’m ready to try it again with somebody new.

Either way, I win.