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Findmedateme Sign Up Page
The days of companies running new products and services up the flagpole and hoping customers would salute are over for business owners.
Read More nn','areas/music/views/radioDialog':'n','areas/music/views/media/_songSquare':'<%ntvar songLink = '#',ntttoolTipAttribute = ';nn if(songSquare.songUrl){nttsongLink = songSquare.songUrl;nt} else {nttsongLink =;nt}nn if(songSquare.size 'small' songSquare.size 'medium'){ntttoolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip' ;nt}nntvar classes = 'song mediaSquare';ntif(songSquare.size) {nttclasses += ' ' + songSquare.size;nt}ntif(songSquare.inline){nttclasses += ' inline';nt}nn%>nn' draggable='true'>n ' <%= toolTipAttribute %> >n <%- play('song', %>n <% if (songSquare.size != 'medium' && songSquare.size != 'small' && typeof(connect) != 'undefined') { %>n <%- connect('song',, songSquare.connections locals.connections) %>n <% } %>n ' />n <% if ( && songSquare.size ! 'small') { %>n EXPLICITn <% } %>n nn <% if(!songSquare.hideMetaInfo){%>n'>n
n '><%= %>n <% if( && songSquare.size 'small') { %>Explicit<% } %>n
n <%- %>nFindmedateme Sign Up
n <%}%>n','areas/music/views/media/_albumSquare':'<%ntvar albumLink = '#', artistLink = '#', toolTipAttribute = ', albumImageUrl = albumSquare.album.imageUrl;nn if(albumSquare.albumUrl){n albumLink = albumSquare.albumUrl;n } else {nttalbumLink = albumSquare.album.albumUrl;nt}nn if(albumSquare.artistLink){n artistLink =albumSquare.artistLinkn }else if(albumSquare.album.artistId && typeof(links) != 'undefined') {nttartistLink = albumSquare.album.artistUrl;nt}nntif(albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium'){nt toolTipAttribute = 'rel='tooltip';n if(!albumSquare.showMetaInfo) albumSquare.showMetaInfo = 'none';nt}nntvar classes = 'album mediaSquare';ntif(albumSquare.size) {nttclasses += ' ' + albumSquare.size;nt}ntif(albumSquare.inline){nttclasses += ' inline';nt}nn if(!albumSquare.notUseCommonHelper && (albumSquare.size 'small' albumSquare.size 'medium'))n {n albumImageUrl = common.helpers.albumImage(albumSquare.album, '70x70');n }n%>n' itemtype='' draggable='true'>nt'>nt' <%= toolTipAttribute %>>ntt<%- play('album', albumSquare.album) %>ntt<% if (albumSquare.size != 'medium' && albumSquare.size != 'small' && typeof(connect) != 'undefined') { %>nttt<%- connect('album', albumSquare.album, albumSquare.connections locals.connections) %>ntt<% } %>nnntt' />ntt<% if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit && albumSquare.size ! 'small') { %>ntttEXPLICITntt<% } %>ntnntnt<% if(!(albumSquare.showMetaInfo && (albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'none' albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended'))) { %>nttFindmedateme Sign Up Page
nt<% } %>nnnnn<% if(albumSquare.showMetaInfo && albumSquare.showMetaInfo 'extended') { %>ntn ' itemprop='name'><%= albumSquare.album.title %>n <% if (albumSquare.album.isExplicit && albumSquare.size 'small') { %>Explicit<% } %>n
nttt<% if (albumSquare.album.artistId) { %>ntttt' class='artist-name' itemprop='byArtist'><%= albumSquare.album.artistName %>nttt<% } else { %>ntttt<%- albumSquare.album.artistId %>nttt<% } %>nttntt
n<% } %>','common/views/generic/postcontrol':'nt<%if((context.features.isMentionProfileEnabled locals.enableMentions) && !locals.disableMentions) { %>ntt- nttt
- Released nttt
- <%-, 'mmm dd, yyyy') %> nnttt
- Recorded nttt
- <%-, 'yyyy') %> nnttt<% if(albumSquare.album.genreName && albumSquare.album.genreName.length > 0) { %>ntttt
- Genre ntttt
- <%= albumSquare.album.genreName %> nttt<% } %>nnttt<% if(albumSquare.album.displayLabel && albumSquare.album.displayLabel.length > 0) { %>ntttt
- Label ntttt
- <%= albumSquare.album.displayLabel %> nttt<% } %>nnttt<% if(albumSquare.album.tones && albumSquare.album.tones.length > 0) { %>ntttt
- Moods ntttt
- <%- albumSquare.album.tones.join(', ') %> nttt<% } %>nnttt<% if(albumSquare.album.styles && albumSquare.album.styles.length > 0) { %>ntttt
- Styles ntttt
- <%- albumSquare.album.styles.join(', ') %> nttt<% } %>nnttt<% if(albumSquare.album.themes && albumSquare.album.themes.length > 0) { %>ntttt
- Themes ntttt
- <%- albumSquare.album.themes.join(', ') %> nttt<% } %>ntt
' <%- ? 'id=' + + '' : ' %><%= ? 'name=' + + '' : ' %><%- locals.readonly ? 'readonly='readonly' : ' %> contenteditable='true' class='textarea'><%= locals.text '%>
nt<% } else { %>nttnt<% } %>n>ntt<%if(song.nowplaying){%>current song<%}%> ntt
n<%= song.title %>
<%= song.artistname %>
ntn<%}else{%>nt<% if (locals.imageurl) { %>ntt<%if (locals.inline) { %>ntt<%- locals.title %>
ntt<%if (locals.owner) { %>nttt<%= locals.owner %>
ntt<% } %>nt -1 ? ' collage' : ' %>'>nttt<% locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image){ %>nttt' />nttt<% }); %>ntt
ntt<% } else {%>ntt' />ntt<% } %>nt<% } %>ntntt<%if (locals.inline) { %>ntt
n<%}%>n','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':'<% var hasimage = locals.images && locals.images.length > 0 0;%>nnttt<%= locals.title %><%if (locals.owner) { %> - <%= locals.owner %><% } %>ntttntt
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ntt<%if (locals.owner) { %>nttt<%= locals.owner %>
ntt<% } %>ntt<% } %>nttremoventnt<% if(hasimage) { %>ntnt<%}%>nt
n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':'<% var ispublicprofilelist = false; %>n<% locals.foreach(function(mention, index) { %>n<% if(!mention.connected && !ispublicprofilelist) {nttispublicprofilelist = true; %>nt<% if (index ! 0) { %>ntntt
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ntt' class='linkurl'><%= locals.hostname ' %>
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n<%= mention.fullname %>
ntt<%= mention.username %>
','areas/videos/views/shared/_videohead':'ntt 1 ? ' collage' : ' %>' href='<%- options.url %>'>nttt<% coverimages.foreach(function (imageurl) { %>ntttt'>nttt<% }); %>nttntt
nt'><%= options.title %>
nttt'><%= options.artistname %>nttntt
nt<% if (options.iframe && options.sizeoptions) { %>nttnt<% } %>nnttt
ntt<% if (options.iframe) { %>ntttnttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'>nttt
ntt<% } %>ntt<% if (options.miniplayer) { %>ntttntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'>ntttt
ntttt<% if (options.resizable) { %>ntttttnttttttntttttt
ntttt<% } %>nttth:'>
ntt<% } %>ntntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'>ntttt
n<%= video.title %>
n nplays<%= (video.stats && video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 %> plays
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','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':'<% var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; %>n 1 ? ' collage' : ' %><%- mix.mediacount > 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' %>'>nt'>ntt<%- play('mixtape', mix) %>ntt<% imageurl && imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) { %>nttt' />ntt<% }) %>ntnt
n'><%= mix.title %>
ntt'><%= mix.owner %>ntnt
n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':''><%- article.title %>
n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'ntclosent'><%= link.title %>
ntnshare this song
n tntttsign in to share on myspace.
nttt<% if (!req.iseu) { %>ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.nttt<% } %>ntt
ntt<% } %>nt>ntt<%if(song.nowplaying){%>current song<%}%> ntt
n<%= song.title %>
<%= song.artistname %>
ntn<%}else{%>nt<% if (locals.imageurl) { %>ntt<%if (locals.inline) { %>ntt<%- locals.title %>
ntt<%if (locals.owner) { %>nttt<%= locals.owner %>
ntt<% } %>nt -1 ? ' collage' : ' %>'>nttt<% locals.imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image){ %>nttt' />nttt<% }); %>ntt
ntt<% } else {%>ntt' />ntt<% } %>nt<% } %>ntntt<%if (locals.inline) { %>ntt
n<%}%>n','common/views/generic/superpost/_linkpreview':'<% var hasimage = locals.images && locals.images.length > 0 0;%>nnttt<%= locals.title %><%if (locals.owner) { %> - <%= locals.owner %><% } %>ntttntt
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ntt<%if (locals.owner) { %>nttt<%= locals.owner %>
ntt<% } %>ntt<% } %>nttremoventnt<% if(hasimage) { %>ntnt<%}%>nt
n','common/views/generic/superpost/_mention':'<% var ispublicprofilelist = false; %>n<% locals.foreach(function(mention, index) { %>n<% if(!mention.connected && !ispublicprofilelist) {nttispublicprofilelist = true; %>nt<% if (index ! 0) { %>ntntt
n<%= locals.title ' %>
ntt' class='linkurl'><%= locals.hostname ' %>
ntt<% if(hasimage) { %>nttntttntttntttntttchoose a thumbnailntt
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n<%= mention.fullname %>
ntt<%= mention.username %>
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nttt'><%= options.artistname %>nttntt
nt<% if (options.iframe && options.sizeoptions) { %>nttnt<% } %>nnttt
ntt<% if (options.iframe) { %>ntttnttttnttttntttt' readonly='true'>nttt
ntt<% } %>ntt<% if (options.miniplayer) { %>ntttntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'>ntttt
ntttt<% if (options.resizable) { %>ntttttnttttttntttttt
ntttt<% } %>nttth:'>
ntt<% } %>ntntttttntttttnttttt' readonly='true'>ntttt
n<%= video.title %>
n nplays<%= (video.stats && video.stats.alltime) ? video.stats.alltime : 1 %> plays
nnt<% if (video.decorateddescription) { %>n t<%- video.decorateddescription %>n <% } else { %>n t<%- video.description %>n <% } %>n
','areas/mixes/views/shared/_mixhead':'<% var imageurl = mix.imageurl '; %>n 1 ? ' collage' : ' %><%- mix.mediacount > 0 ? ' : ' nomedia' %>'>nt'>ntt<%- play('mixtape', mix) %>ntt<% imageurl && imageurl.split(',').foreach(function(image) { %>nttt' />ntt<% }) %>ntnt
n'><%= mix.title %>
ntt'><%= mix.owner %>ntnt
n','areas/misc/views/shared/_linksrightrailhead':''><%- article.title %>
n','areas/misc/views/shared/shareprompt':'ntclosent'><%= link.title %>
ntnshare this song
n tntttsign in to share on myspace.
nttt<% if (!req.iseu) { %>ntttyou can also share on facebook and twitter.nttt<% } %>ntt
ntt<% } %>nt