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Does Tinder Work for Older Guys?

  1. Tinder For Over 60 People
  2. Tinder Seniors

Are you finding yourself single as an older guy?

Maybe a previous marriage, for instance, kept you from discovering online dating sites and apps until now.

The good news is you’re not too old for Tinder — the world’s most popular dating app.

Last year, at least 1.5 million people over 45 were looking for matches on Tinder.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/this-woman-used-tinder-to-date-men-half-her-age55b24ed6e4b0074ba5a438c0. A imed at older people rather than the usual younger end of the age spectrum - over-50's are Lumen's the desired clientele. Despite a busy website market, Argouges sees a massive mobile market for. Tinder For over 50 gives you a huge selection of singles that are one hundred percent real and one hundred percent interested. While other dating sites can catfish or conn you with total fake profiles, our site is the real deal. For any type of relationship you’re looking for, TinderForOver50 is one hundred percent legit and secure. Lumen aims to bring easy dating to those who are over 50. In just six months, Lumen was able to get over 350,000 users. Seniors were looking for an app that was designed specifically for them and now they have it. A community that serves only seniors yet is as easy to use as Tinder, is part of the reason that so many seniors opt not to try Tinder. In April, Stitch.net, a Tinder-like dating app for the over-50 set, launched, and it’s set to debut a local New York section next month. Like Tinder, it shows users just one profile at a time.

And a great many people over 30, 40, and even 50 — a majority of them divorcees or widowers — are joining Tinder by the day. The number is growing exponentially.

How to Make Tinder Work For You Immediately 🔥🔥🔥

Now that you know older guys are welcome on Tinder, here’s how to make it work for you.

The real trick to meeting great people is to understand that — on Tinder — you are your photos. If someone doesn’t like your first photo, they probably won’t make it all the way to read your bio.

To meet high-caliber people, you need to use pictures that make a great first impression — not just about your good looks, but about who you are as a person.

A simple answer to this is to test your pictures on Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you how you’re coming across in pictures (according to the gender and age range you want to target). And it’s been known to 200-400x matches on Tinder.

Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!

Dating isn’t just for the twenty and thirty somethings out there y’know. Attitudes about marriage and divorce have changed a lot in recent years, and as a result more people find themselves single later in life. And this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you go into it with the right mindset, dating over 60 can be an incredibly fun, exciting, and life changing experience.

But like so many things, the things change when you get older. Here are a few things that happen when you start dating over 60.

Online dating dominates the scene.
You’ve probably heard this a hundred times at this point, but that’s because it’s true. The majority of singles turn to dating apps and dating sites as the go-to method to meet other people.

There isn’t a stigma when it comes to finding someone online anymore, and there only ever was because it was such an alien concept. In addition, there are many senior dating sites dedicated solely to older dating groups in their 50s and 60s and beyond.

If you still haven’t tried online dating yet, what have you got to lose by giving it a go?

Age doesn’t matter anymore.
When you’re younger, age is a big deal. In fact, it’s one of the most important filters on many dating sites.


But after a certain age, it’s not as important. There are way more pressing things like a person’s character, how healthy they are, and if they share similar values as you do.


Tinder For Over 60 People

But when you get to your 50s, you realize this, and become more flexible in your approach. The older we get, the more insignificant that number becomes.

Tinder Seniors

It’s more about companionship than marriage.
Love and marriage tend to be the ultimate goal for 95% of young people who are dating. And this might still be true for you, but it’s not for everyone.

Many people dating in their 60s and beyond are looking for companionship more than anything else. They want someone to have dinner with, go to the movies with, have fun with, and someone to travel with them. Being attracted to someone, flirting, and romance are important too; but it doesn’t need to be more than this. For many people, this is enough.


You have the benefit of life experience.
You might think that your age is a disadvantage when it comes to returning to the dating game, but you’d be totally wrong! With age, comes a heap of wisdom that you didn’t have when you were younger—because you simply hadn’t lived long enough or experienced enough to know what you do now.

You’re mature, you have confidence, and you have a broad knowledge on a variety of subjects. You’re stronger, more interesting, and a more defined version of the person you were decades ago. Let that fill you with the belief that you’ve got this.

Your needs and desires have evolved.
Remember that check list you used to have describing all the must-have qualities you were looking for in a partner? If you still remember it (or have it on paper), you’ll probably notice how your needs and desires have changed dramatically since then.

So take some time to reassess what’s important to you now. List out your relationship goals, because when you do, you make it easier to follow them.

People don’t play games anymore.
When I say people, I mostly mean men, because they play far more games than women do. Men have no desire to chase women once they hit this stage in their life. Hallelujah.

That doesn’t mean that women have to do all the work or necessarily take the lead, but what it does mean is that you can cut out all that keeping it cool stuff that you did when you were younger.

If you’re interested in someone, you can be totally open and honest about it—even on date number one. And men love that.

Many couples begin as friends.
Whether you try the online dating thing or not, most older couples start off as friends. The best way to form these friendships is by being open to meeting to and talking to new people. Pick up new hobbies, travel somewhere, and chat with strangers when you’re sipping on a coffee in your local cafe.


The pressure to be romantically involved with anyone has gone—which leaves you to spend your time doing whatever lights you up and brings you the most joy. And when you do that, you’ll reflect your best self to the world, which will help you attract someone special.

You probably won’t be someone’s number one priority.
When you’re dating in your 60s, most people usually come with a lifetime of baggage—and that’s to be expected, right?

People often have children, grandchildren, parents with ill-health, or they might even be in the middle of a painful divorce. It’s important to be aware of this before you begin dating, and accept someone for their current situation without judgement.

Dating in your 60s can be incredibly rewarding. Your free from a lot of the mistakes of your past, have a better sense of who you are, and can enjoy meeting people in a variety of ways. But it is different from the dating scene you once knew. So stop playing games and open up your mind to a different approach. You may enjoy yourself more than you think.

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