Widow And Widower Dating 4,7/5 7589 votes
  • A widower might have been out of the dating game for years; you must take that into consideration. Look for warning signs: If you are dating a widower and you often find him drawing comparisons between you and his deceased spouse, that is definitely a warning sign. The guy you are dating is still stuck in grief, and it could get pathological.
  • The debate for widows or widowers is this ‘Should I date a divorced person or date a person who also lost their loved one.’ I am a 54 year old widow and it was quite a blow when a wise friend of min said “of course, seek a widower.” They reasoned widow/widower are single honestly.
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Dating as a widow or widower can be a real challenge. Finding someone to love as much as your departed loved one is difficult enough, but finding someone who can sympathise and respect the experience is next to impossible. Fortunately, there is hope out there for widows and widowers out there. Older Widows and Widowers This study explores gender differences in older widowed persons’ interest in dating and re-marriage, and the implications of these desires for psychological adjustment to loss. Analyses are based on the Changing Lives of Older Cou-ples study (N¼210). Men’s interest in dating and remarriage is conditional upon the.

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Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things that can happen to a person, and the idea of moving on to start dating again can feel impossible. Some people decide to never be in a relationship again, and they even follow through with it. Others, however, jump back into dating.

Most often this can be done as a way to help mend a broken heart, the hope being that they can find a new partner to move beyond the loneliness and grief that the loss of their partner brought on. It’s common to think you may be betraying your deceased partner when doing this, too.

Widow And Widower Dating Sites

Dating after losing your spouse is always a tricky situation, and there’s never an easy solution to it. However, it is important to remind yourself that finding love and happiness doesn’t mean you are replacing what you once had, nor are you forgetting about your spouse.

Everyone, no matter what they have been through, deserves to be happy and to be with someone. Fortunately, widow dating is a niche market of online dating that makes this process easier for recent widows and widowers. Whether you are a young or old widow/er, read on to learn more.

Table of Contents

How does widower dating work?

Widow or widower dating is an online dating service that caters exclusively to people who have lost a spouse or loved one and are looking to move on with a new partner. This doesn’t always mean that members are interested in marriage, but they do want a serious relationship with other members.

Widow dating is exactly like a normal online dating service, except that its members are the surviving partner in either a marriage or a long-lasting relationship of some sort. All members are familiar with loss and death, and everyone deals with their grief in their own unique way.

Simply sign up and create a profile, search for members who are a match for you, and start reaching out to see who else is interested.

Rather than treating relationships as a form of taboo for those who are widowed, these dating services work to give people a fresh chapter on life and to either remarry or find a life partner once again.

People who use these services are generally more understanding of your situation because they are going through a similar process. You can feel free to be as open as you are comfortable with being about your loss.

What about dating for young widows?

Many widow dating services may seem as if they cater to an older crowd. It can be one of the first things you find when you search for the online dating service, after all. However, this is not truly the case, and there are a good number of online widow dating services for people of all ages.

In the end, widows and widowers are people who are going through the same experience regardless of their age. While how they deal with grief can vary from person to person, it is true that one’s age does not severely change how men and women generally respond to loss.

For younger widows who don’t want to date older people, there are still plenty of options available to you. For one, you can use a young widow dating service that specifically focuses on a younger age group. Another option is to simply filter your searches by age to find someone within your age range.

Regardless of how you approach it, there are plenty of opportunities for young widows and widowers to meet someone new.

What to keep in mind when you start widow dating online?

There is no universal guide for getting started with dating again after you lose your spouse. However, there are some pretty clear ideas on what you can do to begin this process the right way:

  • Wait until you feel ready to start dating again – Overcoming your grief can take any amount of time, and for many people they may never truly move beyond it. Processing grief is a unique experience for everyone and there’s no such thing as a time frame for it. The important thing is that you shouldn’t let others tell you when to move on to something new, and you shouldn’t force yourself to start dating again if you aren’t ready for it. Wait for the right time. That is, wait until you are comfortable with the idea of dating someone new. You may even have to try a date to see if it is right for you at this time.
  • Understand why you want to date again – Just as how you shouldn’t rush into dating after losing a spouse, you should consider what it is you want out of a new relationship after you have processed your grief to the point you are comfortable dating again. It’s okay to date because you are lonely or want some company. Try to avoid doing it just to fill a void, as you may end up hurting yourself or the other person in the process.
  • You will feel guilt – As you start to date again after losing a spouse, you will inevitably feel as if you are cheating on your spouse. You may even feel some sort of pressure or judgement from your friends and ex-friends for trying to move on. Know this: dating again is not wrong. You have every right in the world to do so and no one has a say in when you may or may not start again. If you continue to feel guilty though, consider pausing your dating life until you feel better about doing it.
  • Avoid using your date as a therapist – It is important in every relationship to be honest, and telling your new dating partner about how you felt for your deceased spouse is okay. However, you should be aware that you can’t spend your entire date talking about your ex-spouse. Feel free to talk to them as openly as you want to, but remember to focus on your date as well.
  • Plan ahead – Everyone carries a burden with them that is tied to memories that are both good and bad. But we cannot grow and survive by fixating on this past, and it is important to look ahead and make a plan for where we want to go and what we want do. When you do start dating again, focus on what it is they hope to do for the future and consider what you would like to do with your life ahead of you.

Which is the right widow dating service?

Finding the right online widow dating service for you can be tricky, and typically involves a lot of trial and error over whether you like their dating features, if the members are what you are looking for, and if there are any additional things about the site that seem appealing to you.

Generally, the more features a widow dating site offers you the better. Whether this is just chatting or includes options for organizing or taking part in a larger meetup can vary per site. Look for what fits your needs and you are comfortable with.

Looking for dating sites that are a little out there? Check out some of the weirdest dating sites on the web!

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The most important thing is to take this process slow. Don’t rush into an online widow dating service if you aren’t ready for a new relationship. When you are ready, take the step that is right for you and don’t be afraid to start a new relationship. You are entitled to be happy again, after all.

Related Reviews

I'm including this section of the book specifically for any widowers who might be reading it. Dating again after the death of a spouse can be an awkward experience. It can bring out feelings of guilt or betrayal in the widow or widower. It can also bring out feelings of confusion and concern from friends, family, and those who were close to the deceased spouse.

For those who have lost a spouse and are looking to date again, here are ten tips to help you successfully navigate the dating waters.

There's no specific time period one should wait before dating again. Grieving and the process of moving on is something that's unique to each person. Some people take years, others weeks, and then there are those who choose never to date again. Whatever you do, don't let others tell you you're moving too fast or waiting too long. Make sure it's something you're really ready to try before taking that step.

I started dating five months after my late wife died. Too soon? There were some friends and family who thought so. But five months was when I felt ready to at least test the dating waters. And though it took a few dates to get the hang of things, I have no regrets about dating that soon.

If you feel like dating again, take some time to understand why you have this desire. It's not wrong to date because you're lonely or want company. Single people date for those reasons too. However, if you're dating because you think it's going to somehow fill the void or heal the pain that comes from losing a spouse, it's not going to happen. Dating does give you the opportunity to open your heart to another person and the chance to experience the unique and exquisite joy that comes with falling in love again.

The first time I went to dinner with another woman, I felt like I was cheating on my late wife. As we entered the restaurant, I was filled with feelings of guilt and betrayal. Throughout our entire date, I kept looking around to see if there was anyone I knew in the restaurant. I thought that if someone saw me out with another woman, the first thing they'd do was run and tell my dead wife what I was up to. It sounds silly, but I couldn't shake that feeling the entire evening. A week later, I went out with someone else. The same feelings of guilt were there, only they were less intense. It took about five dates before the feeling went away entirely and I could actually enjoy the company of a woman without feeling guilty.

As you date, feelings of guilt should subside over time—especially when you find that special someone. If the guilt's not subsiding, you might not be ready to date again. Give dating a break and try it again when you might be more up to the task.

Unless you're dating someone you knew previously, and they are already familiar with your late spouse, he or she is naturally going to be curious about your previous marriage. It's okay to talk about the spouse when you're first dating someone. Answer questions he or she may have about your marriage, but don't spend all your time talking about the dead or how happy you were. After all, your date is the one who's here now. And who knows—she might make you incredibly happy for years to come. Constantly talking about the past may make it seem like you're not ready to move on and start a new relationship. Showing a genuine interest in your date and getting to know her wants, interests, and dreams goes a long way you're ready to start a new life with someone else.

Would you like going out with someone who constantly talks about issues she's having in her life? Dating isn't a therapy session—it's an opportunity to spend time with someone else and enjoy their company. If you find yourself dating just to talk about the pain in your heart, how much you miss your spouse, or tough times you're going though, seek professional help. Spending $60 an hour on professional help will do you much more good than spending the same amount of money for dinner and a movie. Besides, your date will have a more memorable night if it's about him or her rather than about everything you're going through.

Widow and widower dating sites

When I started dating again, it had been seven years since I had gone out with anyone other than my wife. Because I had a certain comfort level with her, I often found myself forgetting proper dating etiquette, such as opening the car door or walking a date to her door when the date was over.

If you find yourself forgetting simple dating etiquette, don't worry about it. Most dates will understand if they know it has been awhile since you dated. But don't make the same mistakes over and over. Learn from them and continue moving forward. You'll be surprised how fast your dating legs return.

When your family and friends learn you're dating again, they may not treat this new person in your life very well. The mistreatment may come in the form of a cold shoulder at family activities or constantly talking about the deceased wife in front of the date. If you have family and friends who are doing this, they need to be told privately, but in a loving manner, that this behavior is not acceptable. If you wouldn't let family or friends treat your spouse that way, why would you tolerate that behavior toward someone else—especially when your date could become your future spouse? Don't be afraid to defend your date. If you can't do that, then you have no business dating again.


There will always be someone who will not understand why you've chosen to date again. They may give you a hard time or have some silly notion that widows and widowers shouldn't fall in love again. Their opinions do not matter. All that matters is that you're ready to date again. You don't need to justify your actions to them or anyone else.

The death of a spouse means losing intimate physical contact. After a while, we miss the kisses, having someone's head resting on our shoulder, or the warm body next to us in bed. This lack of physical and emotional intimacy is enough to drive a lot of people into the dating scene. Don't feel bad if you find yourself missing these things. It's completely normal.

In the dating world, wanting something that was part of our lives for years can become a ticking time bomb. It can force us into a serious relationship before we're ready. The result: a lot of broken hearts and emotional baggage.

If you're on a date and it's going well, don't be afraid to take things slow. This isn't always easy. Sometimes it's hard not to throw ourselves at our date because we want to be close to someone again. We want that warm body next to ours and to have the words 'I love you' whispered in our ears. But it can save you and your date a lot of emotional heartache if you wait to make sure what you're doing is because you love the other person, and not because you miss the intimacy that came with your late husband or wife.

It's a basic dating rule, but it's often forgotten by widows and widowers. Because we already had someone special in our lives, it's easy to forget to make our date feel special too. Treat your date in such a way that he or she feels like she's with a man who's ready to move on. She shouldn't have to compete against a ghost—even if you only have one date with that person. As long you're out together, she should feel special.

Even though dating can be awkward and difficult at times, it can also be a lot of fun. There's no reason being a widower should hold you back from enjoying a night out. Part of the reason we're here is to live and enjoy life. And dating is a great way to start living again.