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Is it possible to meet “The One” with the help of an international matchmaker?

Lots of people use international matchmaking services in the hope to find their better halves. The choice of an international matchmaker doesn’t depend on their social status or income level. People of all social groups pay significant amounts to find their matches.

Macbeth Matchmaking is a globally renowned agency with a local, personal touch. As an European dating site, Macbeth understands the nuances of different cultures, traditions and beliefs and can bridge the cultural and linguistic gaps for you. Moreover, our European matchmaker services can be found all around Europe: Barcelona, Brussels. Modern Intuition Meets Tradition Valenti combines the most effective elements of traditional matchmaking in the European tradition with a highly intuitive and modern personal touch. Clients of Valenti Matchmaking are seeking a compatible life partner, not just a date.

Our matchmaking service is an Eastern European matchmaker and we provide dating services not only for Ukrainian brides but also to women from other Slavic countries. On our site, you can find profiles of Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian brides, Romanian brides, and even Polish brides. Matchmaking is a concept unknown to many, unclear to most and nonsensical to some. Yet in a decreasingly social society it is becoming a sought-after service, in whichever form it may take place. In some cultures, matchmaking is a highly celebrated and respected profession and has been around for centuries, yet today taboos still have to be broken.

But does using an international matchmaking agency guarantee you love and marriage? Does the result depend on your matchmaker only or something else? This post is going to answer these questions.

See the video ⬇ BELOW⬇ to learn what matchmaking is…

Attention! Our services are not available in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and all African countries

Looking for reliable matchmaking to find a Slavic woman?

How many Ukrainian dating sites have you tried?...

3, 5, 10?

How many ladies have you tried communicating with?

Aren’t you tired ?

You’re an adult, a successful man. You’ve got a job, a business and plenty of things to do…

Is it really worth spending time on meaningless correspondence on the internet? Is that really what you want to do?


This is the final dating site you need to visit…

Is using international matchmaking sites old-fashioned?

Even though you might think paying someone to meet your partner is out-of-date, thousands of people keep doing it. Moreover, people prefer international matchmaking websites to accustomed online dating services. The reasons are simple, you:

  • Don’t possess enough time to chat online or write endless letters;
  • Want a more personalized approach;
  • Hire a professional who will ensure a good result.

More and more singles start using international matchmaking services nowadays because it is:

  • Fast;
  • Convenient;
  • Reliable;

So, no using matchmaking services is not old-fashioned, vice versa, it is a modern and very efficient way of meeting partners.

A matchmaker can change your priorities

People change, dating also changes. Before you apply to a matchmaker, you might have your image of a perfect partner. Some men are looking for a tall blonde with blue eyes, others for a non-smoker only, you might be looking for a woman who by no means has kids, etc.

But you might be surprised how your matchmaker can change your priorities. A matchmaker will find out and let you know about possible reasons for which you are single. And some of these reasons might be very ridiculous.

You will notice that yourself. Men in their 50s who were always looking for a woman without children start considering ladies with kids. Those who wanted a tall blonde fall in love choose a short brunette. Matchmakers can make wonders.

It happens because a professional can open your eyes to what exactly is important in a partner and you will eventually change your mind, stop being adamant, and find your better half the soonest.

True international matchmaking sites prefer quality over quantity

The modern dating market is full of international matchmaking websites. But it doesn’t mean all of them provide real matchmaking services. Everyone knows matchmaking is not cheap and you have to pay a significant amount of your money if you want to get quality.

Lots of different sites sell their “matchmaking” services because they are more expensive than casual online dating. And they try to get as many customers as they can. However, real matchmakers always use quality over quantity approach.

A matchmaker needs some time to investigate you, your goals, way of life, values, and expectations. And if he or she starts pursuing thousands of clients, quality and personalized approach is out of the question.

Don’t think that a matchmaker will do everything instead of you!

Quite often, when someone starts using matchmaking services, he or she automatically delegates authority to a matchmaker. This is a wrong decision because a matchmaker cannot date for you, communicate with a girl for you, love someone for you, or marry for you.

Even if you hired a matchmaker, you still have to put lots of effort as before. Matchmaking doesn’t pass the buck.

A matchmaker is:A matchmaker is not:

A person who finds out why you’re single

Your personal friend;

Someone who figures out what you are looking for

A therapist;

Investigates your background, family values, past experience, lifestyle, and habits

Someone who always agrees with you and tells you only what you want to hear;

An empathetic listener;Responsible for your behavior on a date or in your personal life.
Gives you certain tips on how to improve the situation if you were never lucky in dating;
Selects some good matches for you

International matchmaking sites cannot be cheap

Matchmaking means quality in everything – approach, services, devoted time, and women. And you should realize that top quality cannot be cheap. Matchmaking cannot cost as much as online dating packages. This is an individual approach, lots of time, and very hard work of your personal coach and assistant. Each work has to be paid. If you are not ready to pay for personalized services and time devoted to you and your search, you shouldn’t consider using matchmaking. But if you prefer quality over quantity of beautiful but fake profiles on a dating site, matchmaking is exactly for you. It is not wasted money but a contribution to your safe and successful search!

Why is Best Matchmaking service better than just communicating on the site

The individually tailored matchmaking program may include:

  • Professional matchmaker support and coaching ( over skype )
  • Unlimited matches selection
  • Dating coach and psychologist guidance ( coaching over skype)
  • Personal assistant support (every day during working hours)
  • Building up an archetype of the sort of Slavic woman who might be a great fit for you at this point in your life by a dating coach and psychologyst
  • All letters from ladies are free to read!
  • Your profile will be personally recommended to ladies from our database (sent to each lady) which will give you a higher chance of finding your lady faster.
  • Skype sessions according to the customer’s need
  • Videos of selected ladies to watch
  • Assistance in the preparation of documents for a girl to visit your country (discount up to 10%)
  • Assistance in the preparation of documents for registration of marriage (discount up to 10%)
  • Possibility of getting up to 40% cut of the price for an Individual tour to Ukraine
  • Personal contacts exchange with selected ladies
  • Unlimited duration of matchmaking program
  • Coaching before the dates

If you try to handle the Ukrainian dating process on your own:

  • The response ratio is only 10-20%; this means that you get only 1 or 2 answers from 10 sent letters
  • Your profile is at the end of the search and girls are not able to find it and get in touch with you
  • Every day you spend 2-3 hours searching and waiting for answers from Ukrainian brides
  • You spend money on correspondence, the result of which is unclear

How to go on a date if a woman is from another country?

Everything is quite clear with local matchmakers. Once they select a couple of good matches for you, you go on a date and communicate without third people’s help already. But what about if a woman is from another country and doesn’t even speak your language? It might be complicated but it is still possible. Such matchmaking services provide online meetings. As a rule, it will be a Skype call or any other video conference allowing to conduct a full-fledged video talk between you and your woman. If a woman doesn’t speak your language, such a service offers a translator’s help. Usually, the translator’s cost is already included in the cost of your video call or matchmaking package. But no worries if you don’t want to face a language barrier. Lots of women from the above-mentioned countries speak at least English or other foreign languages. So such things are to be discussed with your matchmaking agency or matchmaker during your very first interview. To avoid various misunderstandings, find out what kind of questions you should ask your matchmaker before using his or her services.
European Matchmaking Services

They’ve already found their love and now it’s your turn!

How to choose a qualified matchmaking service?

It is very easy to get lost in such a pool of matchmaking services presented online. Everyone promises something very attractive and the choice is being so hard. Here are some good tips on how to choose a qualified international matchmaking agency:

  • A professional agency will never guarantee a marriage;
  • A good matchmaker won’t promise you relationships;
  • A qualified service can guarantee only the provision of services described in your package;
  • A good matchmaking agency has tons of reviews and testimonials left by former or current customers – don’t be lazy to check them;
  • This matchmaker won’t disappear after receiving your payment.

Don’t be surprised that an agency cannot guarantee you marriage. If someone promised you to get married in a year, then better run away and search for another agency. The reason is people are different and everyone has his or her flows, temper, last but not least, life situations are unpredictable.

A matchmaker can create your psychological portrait and find out your needs. Based on that, he or she selects the most proper matches for you and makes you acquainted. The rest depends only on you.

What can international matchmaking websites offer?

An international matchmaking agency is aimed at connecting people of different races or from different countries.

The most frequent male customers who use matchmaking services are from:Women who apply to matchmaking services usually come from:
--the USA--Ukraine
--New Zeland--Lituania
--Some Asian countries--Romania

As you can see, the choice of ladies who can become your potential match is quite wide. It means that you can find a good woman as your wife from one of these countries with the help of international matchmaking sites.

What questions to ask your matchmaker?

In the very first interview, a matchmaker will ask you different questions. They depend on a particular matchmaking agency and can be the following:

➔ Why do you think you didn’t meet your partner yet?

➔ If you are divorced then what was the reason for your divorce, who do you think was guilty and why?

➔ What is the level of your income, your social status, etc.?

➔ What kind of woman are you looking for? (Age, appearance, character traits, etc.)

➔ Are you ready to accept a woman with children?

➔ Do you expect your woman to work or stay at home, etc.?

The range of questions can be very diverse. But you shouldn’t be silent and should ask your matchmaker various questions as well:

➔What exactly is included in the services I pay?
What if I don’t like any of the matches offered?
How long is my membership valid?
What if I want to exchange contacts with a woman?

These are some of the questions you should ask your matchmaker before subscribing to the services. Depending on what kind of services you purchase, you should come up with very important questions.

The Pros and Cons of international matchmaking sites



Individual approach;They are more expensive than casual online dating sites;
Time-saving process;They do not guarantee marriage.
Guarantee of the services to be provided;
High-quality matches meeting your requirements and expectations;
Real meetings;
Impossible to meet scammers;
International matchmaking services are much cheaper than those for western men and women.
To give our customers more ability to get the services that suit them the best, we now offer three Matchmaking Service Contract options! Do not hesitate to email for more details and we will tailor an individual strategy according to your needs!


My name is Кaterina, I am the founder of Best Matchmaking marriage agency. We cannot guarantee that you will get married, even though we are always happy to provide advice on how to maintain your relationship.

But we guarantee that:

  • We are a scam free Slavic marriage agency
  • We will represent you only to serious and family-oriented ladies
  • The ladies you will get in touch with will definitely meet you on your arrival in the Ukraine
  • All the current ladies' photos you can see on the website are genuine and have been recently approved

Professional Matchmaking Services

The rest is up to you! To get started, please send us detailed information about yourself, some high-resolution photos as well as describing all your requirements for your wife-to-be! Our advisors are always available online!

International matchmaking websites guarantees:

Matchmaking does guarantee:

Matchmaking does guarantee:

–Personalized approach to each customerMarriage or relationships with one of the candidates
–Top results
–Meetings with real people
–Excellent services
–Personal consultations

As you can see, when choosing matchmaking services, you cannot have a guarantee of marriage or even relationships with one of the offered candidates. You may wonder why but the reply is quite simple – not everything depends on the matchmaker.

A matchmaker does everything to help you succeed – provides personal consultations and coaching, gives you valuable tips, prepares you for your dates, etc. But if you don’t listen to your matchmaker, you may not succeed.

If you pay for such kind of services, you should realize that quite a lot of things depend on you personally, for example:

  • How you communicate with women;
  • How you behave on a date;
  • How you look like or smell, etc.

If your manner of communication with the opposite sex leaves much to be desired, if your matchmaker told you how to improve it but you didn’t listen, then no wonder can happen. If this was a reason why you never succeed before but you still didn’t listen and kept doing the same, none of the matchmakers can help.

When opting for international matchmaking sites, you are protected from scammers

Lots of people are afraid of scams. The scam happens everywhere and all the time in our everyday lives and online dating is one of the favorite areas for scammers. Each international matchmaking agency takes care of its reputation.

Both men and women are usually well-interviewed and verified. Matchmakers know each of the candidates very well and simply cannot allow scams. Moreover, candidates who subscribe to matchmaking do not use simple dating sites, they have no time for that, so the scam isn’t their goal.

European Matchmaking Services Nyc

You will definitely find someone if you accept that everyone has flows

It is important to remember that no one is perfect. You are not perfect and no one is. Just like you, women who apply to matchmaking agencies are not ideal and have their flows. When applying to a matchmaker, don’t expect to meet a perfect partner.

This is just impossible. You will meet women who match you most of all but they will surely have their flows. So, if you are ready to accept that no one is perfect and are patient about that, you will surely meet your partner.

An international matchmaker is a modern and efficient way to start dating

European Matchmaking Services Reviews

If you are a busy man who has no time on dating, using the help of an international matchmaker would be the best decision for you. International matchmaking services can be very helpful for those who are not very brave but quite shy to start dating on their own.

Matchmaking isn’t necessarily for people who cannot find a match because of a shy personality. Vice versa, lots of very successful and beautiful people choose an international matchmaking agency to help them find a top-quality match meeting their social and financial status.

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Our dating and Matchmaking services

Select a program that best suits your needs and then register!

Top Matchmaking Service

Introduction Programs – Meet beautiful Czech and Slovak girls and ladies

Our introduction service that will enable you to be in contact and meet wonderful Czech girls and women. This program is designed for everyone who is looking for a life partner, girlfriend or wife. You will be able to see all ladies in our database after registration and payment, as we only have a sample of the ladies online on our website. You will also have several search criteria you can use in our database of ladies, once you pay for a program. Once you join a program we will talk to you to find what you are looking for in a lady. Then we can suggest ladies to you and you can select ladies based on your criteria and we will contact the ladies you would like to meet and talk to. If she is interested in you also, she will agree to meet you or give you her contact details. We will arrange the first date for you in one of the fine restaurants in Prague or Bratislava, or give you her contact details and you can talk to her about meeting you in her country or yours. You can talk to an unlimited number of ladies by e-mail, phone or Skype. Only when you meet the lady, will it be deducted from the number of successful meetings you have available. We work in a professional and personal approach to each of our customers.

V.I.P. Matchmaking Programs - Find Czech and Slovak girls and women

Our exclusive matchmaking service for the gentleman who is looking for the woman of his dreams and for the best introduction services. This program enables you to enjoy the finest comfort during your introduction. You obtain all our best quality services provided by our agency, unlimited number of introductions, contacts and meetings. We give you special care and are here to talk to you every week about your needs and requirements with a weekly phone call. We look for women just for you outside of our database and you will thus get the chance to meet Czech and Slovak women who do not want to join a dating agency but would like to find a foreign partner. We will be able to give you feedback from ladies and listen to your feedback about them so we can help find your life partner

Matchmaking Dating Services

Sign up for an account and browse profiles with all features. Start to make your dreams come true today!